As a pastor's kid, Allison developed a love for serving others. She's explored her passion through her work with World Vision in Africa, working with various non-profits in Austin and Los Angeles, and leading music for local churches and community groups. Her greatest motivation is the drive to serve others and take that message to the community. When she is not meeting needs with Chosen.Org, she enjoys spending time with her three children, fighting for time with her husband, Gabe, and leading worship for the women of Life Austin Church.
Executive Director
With nearly 20 years of political consulting under her belt, Shannon eagerly left that world behind in early 2017 to find a more fulfilling purpose. Along with her desire to serve others, she brings her expertise in communications, data analysis, business management, and corporate rebuilding. With two small children, she does not have a lot of down time, but enjoys researching health and wellness, bikram yoga, attending Life Austin Church, and an occasional date night with her husband Eric.
Managing Director