Join Chosen.Org

Join Chosen.Org By Giving Monthly.

Chosen meets needs in Austin, Texas and beyond through benevolence and community outreach. We believe in our community and we want to see it thrive. The last year and a half have been difficult for Austinites mentally, spiritually and financially. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Chosen.Org has donated over $25,000 to friends in our community who need help with rent, basic needs, and hospital bills.

With help from our generous donors, we have met some of Austin’s most pressing needs. Please consider joining our vision by becoming a member. Your donations are the life-line of our outreach.

Join our team. Join our vision. Change Austin, and change the world.

Read the story of how we began here.

Austin Live Music



Austin Live Music, an online interactive concert scheduled to stream live on Facebook (, Monday, May 18 from 6:30-9:30 pm -- to raise money for 40+ Austin career musicians who have not received income since March 14.

Featuring Matchmaker Band, and PDA Band, with special guest artists, Rose Short and Ricky Duran, featured artists on "The Voice."

The event's goal is to raise $80,000 by the end of May to support these Austin career musicians and their families. 100 percent of all funds collected will be divided into equal grants for each musician, to help them to pay rent, purchase groceries, and cover other critical expenses.

The live music industry is built on large numbers of people getting together to be entertained and have fun. These musicians were the first to be out of work due to the pandemic crisis and will be the last to go back. Their three primary revenue-generating months of the year were canceled. Working musicians in Austin generally make around $50-$60,000/annually, and, unfortunately, they don't qualify for unemployment or SBA grants due to their status.

These singers, players, sound engineers, light techs, and stagehands produce and perform at hundreds of corporate, government, weddings, and personal events at venues all over Austin. These men and women also perform almost every weekend on the stages of Austin churches.

For more information, visit (

Live music is the heartbeat of Austin!  It is the air we breathe.  It is time we give back to this community of artists who give everything they have to keep us singing.

Thank you so much.    

Chosen.Org, Community Bucket ATX and Moontower Entertainment

Chosen is a Texas based non-profit, 501c3 corporation.  All donations are tax deductible.    


Megan and Patrick are parents to two beautiful foster babies and they need financial support to cover the cost of unexpected legal fees for the adoption. This family desperately wants to adopt these beautiful siblings and they are no stranger to the ups and downs of providing care to children in the system.  Please pray for them and if you feel lead to support them financially, please do!!  We estimate the cost of the adoption to be $10,000. Please consider changing the lives of the girls who have called them mom and dad for 1.5 years now by getting them home permanently.  If you really want to make a difference in this world, set your sights on finding a child a home.  This is what matters most.

Thank you so much for caring about our community.  

Allison Armstrong

Join Chosen.Org By Giving Monthly

Chosen meets needs in Austin, Texas and beyond through benevolence and community outreach. We believe in our community and we want to see it thrive.

With help from our generous donors, we have met some of Austin’s most pressing needs. Please consider joining our vision by becoming a member. Your donations are the life-line of our outreach.

Join our team. Join our vision. Change Austin, and change the world.

Read the story of how we began here.

Reasons to Believe (Reasons.Org) and Chosen.Org

Chosen.Org is leading music for Reasons.Org, Where Science and Faith Converge, April 27, 2019 in Austin, TX. Dr. Fuzale Rana, Vice President of Research and Apologetics, will be speaking to skeptics and believers alike, about the powerful scientific evidence for God’s existence and the reliability of Scripture.

To find out more, visit

Christian Medical and Dental Association CMDA

Last month Chosen provided music for the Christian Medical and Dental Association in Austin, TX. This group encourages Christian healthcare students & professionals to practice with ethical standards and share their faith as a part of patient treatment.

Doctors and dentists from all over the United States gathered together in South Austin and we were honored to provide worship at their fellowship of the minds. We look forward to seeing them again soon.

Current Need for a Foster Family in Austin, TX

We have a request from a family in Austin, TX. They are parents to two beautiful foster babies and they need a tiny bit of financial support. There is a foster and adoptive mom’s retreat in North Texas next month called, “Embrace.” The cost is $350 and it will provide this mom with training and a bit of respite to spend with other moms going through the same situation that she is. This family desperately wants to adopt these beautiful kids and they are no stranger to the ups and downs of provided care to children in the system. Please pray for them and if you feel lead to support them financially, click here!!

Thank you so much for caring about our community.


support foster families

these kids need you!

A Walk to Samaria with The Gathering at Community First! February 21-24 in Whitney, TX

We love Community First! Village and especially our friends at, The Gathering. “Pastor Dude,” Matt Freeman encouraged us to participate in a weekend retreat for previously homeless women guiding them into a deeper faith walk.

We decided to take the plunge and we are looking forward to a life changing experience. The retreat is February 21-24. We will help facilitate February 22 and 23rd. Please pray for these women and pray that the Lord speaks through us. I’ve heard the retreat makes a lasting impact on everyone involved. To say we are excited about it is an understatement.

If you would like to support us during this event, we are providing care packages to each of the women. Please donate here, or email us at for other ways you can support us. We look forward to sharing some incredible stories from the event when we return.

Thank you for being awesome and as always, thank you for your support.



Every Monday morning, we interview a life giving woman from Austin, TX. Last week, we spoke to Lisa Passell, a horse trainer, golden doodle breeder and an incredible human being. Lisa experience great pain when her marriage ended. She was devastated with 4 small children to raise and no answers in sight. Listen to her interview as she shares her struggle to get back on her feet and grow deeper into her faith. Lisa teaches that life is a journey with God. He loves us right where we are and has a great plan for every life.

She is awesome and definitely a LifeGiver!


Wedding Bells in HAITI

Dieuny and Yolene from Haiti Bible Mission said, “I DO!” December 17, 2018, thanks to YOU, our generous donors from Chosen.Org. Dieuny is an incredibly hard worker and has always had a desire to build and grow a family. You guys made that happen! Your donations paid for his suit and her beautiful wedding dress, and their wedding reception. How awesome is that?!!

This video is Dieuny’s hearty thank you for supporting him and his wife. Please take a moment to watch.


Chosen at Elroy Baptist Church

When Pastor Drew Bales called from the East Austin community of Del Valle, asking if we could come and lead a community outreach service, we said, “YES!”

We will be leading the service at First Baptist Elroy, 13705 FM 812, Del Valle, TX 78617, February 10th. Church starts at 11 am, so don’t be late. When you see the F1 track in the distance, you are almost there!

Small communities in the greater Austin area often don’t have the resources large churches like our home church of Life Austin has, yet they have a great desire to experience worship on a deeper level. Supporting these congregations has become one of our favorite things to do. It is also a great way to find out local needs and build relationships for future service projects.

Community Outreach at CHOSEN.ORG

We prefer lasting solutions over temporary relief to life’s difficulties here at CHOSEN.

People matter to us and spreading a lasting hope is one thing we love to do. Every month, Chosen helps facilitate, The Gathering, at Mobile Loaves and Fishes’ Community First! . It is a community of tiny homes providing a permanent housing solution to previously homeless residents. The place is incredible and we are there leading worship the third Sunday of every month. We would love for you to join us.


Job 33:4 says, "For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." If the Lord gives me life, surely it is my responsibility to pass His life-giving breath onward.  

I'm starting a new series called LifeGivers.  Conversations with women I trust who choose life and light even when it hurts.  These women aren't perfect, far from it, but they are aware of their weaknesses and realize life is about growth, not about looking like Barbie (even if your mom was the one who handed you that royal blue eyeliner in the 7th grade).  It's about transformation of the heart.  We all have a story and we all struggle.  There's not a sister on the planet who hasn't had great pain or is just around the corner from it.

We want to laugh again.  We need help.  You, my friend, are not alone in longing for connection.

These are desperate times for mentors and for authentic friendships. Women are urgently looking for light, help and decent advice from someone trustworthy. This world is confusing and scary and ever changing.  We crave wisdom and drive.  How do we seek the Lord to step up and step out?  Where are the women who don't hold light back? We want to know how our neighbors are navigating difficulty.  Marriage is hard.  Kids are harder.  Teenagers are just a bundle of joy all of the time.  Sobriety is tough.  Infertility is awful. Grief is a killer. Working full time or staying home, balancing both is impossible.  Keeping the house clean might as well be rocket science.

Pull up a chair and sit with us.  Ask questions in the comment section and we will get back to you.  I'm excited about what is to come and if even one person benefits from these convos, it's worth it for me.  There is no agenda here, only to bring light and life to those who need it.  If that is you, then join us!  If there is someone in your life who brings you hope on the regular, tell me about her.  I'd love to sit down, have a cup of coffee, and find out what keeps her riding a wave of hope.  Oh, and please share these videos!  

My first interview is with my friend Shannon Marshall.  She is in year 3 of recovery and she is a life-giver.  I adore her, respect her, and she drives me crazy all at the same time.  She complains about personal space and walks in on you in the bathroom in the same sentence.  She is one of my favorites.  Here is a little bit of how she deals with stress and swings back to center.  Thanks for watching!

Allison Armstrong