world missions

Reasons to Believe (Reasons.Org) and Chosen.Org

Chosen.Org is leading music for Reasons.Org, Where Science and Faith Converge, April 27, 2019 in Austin, TX. Dr. Fuzale Rana, Vice President of Research and Apologetics, will be speaking to skeptics and believers alike, about the powerful scientific evidence for God’s existence and the reliability of Scripture.

To find out more, visit

Wedding Bells in HAITI

Dieuny and Yolene from Haiti Bible Mission said, “I DO!” December 17, 2018, thanks to YOU, our generous donors from Chosen.Org. Dieuny is an incredibly hard worker and has always had a desire to build and grow a family. You guys made that happen! Your donations paid for his suit and her beautiful wedding dress, and their wedding reception. How awesome is that?!!

This video is Dieuny’s hearty thank you for supporting him and his wife. Please take a moment to watch.
